VDTR PhD representatives

The first meeting of the VDTR PhD students took place on 22 October 2021. At this meeting, a representative and two deputies were elected, one from each VDTR member organization. As the representatives also have a seat on the VDTR Steering Committee, their tasks include monitoring the tendering process for VDTR positions. The representatives are in contact with the VDTR management as well as with the doctoral students and thus assume an important interface function in internal communication.
The representatives can be reached at the following email address: student.vdtr@univie.ac.at

Sabine Wolsink

Sabine Wolsink is a university assistant (predoc) at the Institute for Systematic Theology and Religious Studies of the Faculty of Protestant Theology since June 2022. She is from the Netherlands and studied in Nijmegen, Amsterdam, Leiden, and Halle (Saale). Her research interests are nineteenth-century Dutch and German theology, liberal theology, postmodern and radical theology, theory of religion, and the relation between theology and literature. She writes a dissertation on the Dutch intellectual Allard Pierson (1831-1896) from a contemporary postsecular perspective. Pierson resigned as a church minister and became a professor in art history, aesthetics, and modern languages. The research questions the concept of religion beyond merely institutionalised and dogmatic forms and in relation to hermeneutics, transcendence, and art.



Mirijam Salfinger

Mirijam Salfinger has been employed as a Prae Doc University Assistant at the Department of Theological Ethics at the Institute of Systematic Theology and Ethics since the beginning of June. She also worked there as a study assistant during her studies. She completed her diploma studies in Catholic Theology - with a semester abroad in Madrid and two research stays in El Salvador - at the University of Vienna. In her diploma thesis she dealt with the topicality of Latin American liberation theology, which continues to be her research focus. Under the working title "Meaning and Potential of a Holistic and Inclusive Anthropology. Impulses from ecofeminism using the example of Ivone Gebara's conception" she will devote her dissertation to Latin American ecofeminism. In case of discrimination, bullying or sexual harassment, she is also confidentially available as a contact person of the KTF for an initial interview and, as a mentor for theology students, she is happy to help with questions concerning the studies.

Marleen Thaler

Marleen Thaler is an FWF Fellow (2019-2022) at the Department of Religious Studies. She holds degrees in Social and Cultural Anthropology (B.A. 2013), Oriental Studies (B.A. 2017), and Religious Studies (M.A. 2019), all from the University of Vienna. In between 2017-2019 she was employed as study assistant and project staff member at the Department of Religious Studies. Her major research interests focus on alternative religious streams, with Western Esoteric Studies, Psychedelic Religion, Eco-Spirituality, and Religious Traditionalism representing her core topics. Currently she is engaged with her Ph.D. project, funded by FWF, addressing healing Kundalini Energies within Transpersonal Psychotherapy and the holistic milieu. Originally from Salzburg, Marleen lives in Vienna.

March 28, 2023: Next meeting of the VDTR doctoral students

The VDTR student representatives invite all VDTR student members to an informal exchange via Zoom on March 28 at 5 pm.

You can access the meeting here: https://univienna.zoom.us/j/68859116812?pwd=OHNOa0pUdWU1N1NydWdDUE91T0xSUT09

At this meeting you will have the opportunity to share ideas, concerns and questions with your colleagues. If you would like to contribute topics in advance, please write to student.vdtr@univie.ac.at.