Become a member

Are you interested in a PhD in Theology (Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Muslim, Alevi) or Religious Studies (Religious Studies, Jewish Studies, Islamic Studies, Sociology, Law)? Do you want to conduct research with internationally renowned experts and expand your academic network? Do you want to develop your research in regular exchange with other doctoral students?

Then the Vienna Doctoral School of Theology and Research on Religion (VDTR) is the right place for you. Membership in the VDTR enables you to start building a successful academic career. The VDTR offers students a unique opportunity to pursue their research interests in a trans- and interdisciplinary framework from the very beginning of their doctoral training. Unique by international standards, VDTR brings together a broad range of disciplines in the study of religion, including various theologies as well as the humanities and social sciences, and emphasizes trans- and interdisciplinary perspectives.

What we offer

In addition to the opportunity to pursue a doctorate in a stimulating, cross-disciplinary setting, the VDTR prides itself on good supervision and support for its doctoral students in shaping their academic careers. The VDTR encourages students' self-organization with funding options for events, retreats and workshops. In addition, it offers courses tailored to doctoral students in theologies and disciplines related to the study of religions that train various academic skills (such as presentation techniques, media relations, publication strategies).
Finally, the VDTR also offers a range of financial support options to help our doctoral students gain a foothold in academia  and complete their studies quickly: In addition to grants in support of travel and editing costs, the school provides funds for peer activites. More information on the various funding opportunities can be found here.
After official admission you will get access to the VDTR Moodle platform, which holds the latest information on events and options. You can check Moodle and the VDTR website for updates at any time.

What we expect

We expect our members to participate in the lively exchange within our School. By becoming a VDTR member you agree to uphold the Code of Good Practie for Doctoral Schools as well as our Code of Conduct. Participation in the Open Research Day, which is held once a semester, is therefore a prerequisite for receiving financial support from the VDTR.

Become a member

The VDTR stands for high quality supervision of its doctoral students, especially for interdisciplinary research in the fields of theology and religious studies. There are different types of doctoral students and they can all become members of the School. Religious or denominational affiliation is irrelevant for admission to the VDTR.

To become a member of the Vienna Doctoral School of Theology and Research on Religion, you must:

If, as a doctoral student, you have not yet given the Faculty Public Presentation (FÖP), you must obtain the support of your supervisor and send the completed and signed admission form and an outline of the doctoral project to

If you have already successfully completed the FÖP, you will need the support of your supervisor and send the completed and signed admission form to

After successful admission, you will be able to benefit from the services and support offered by the VDTR. We are looking forward to welcoming you!