News and Events


We look forward to seeing you on our Open Research Day!


During his visit to Vienna on 15 October, Prof. Georg Essen will offer a masterclass on political theology.


We are looking forward to starting the new semester together on 8 October 2024. This year we are doing this in a large group and are looking forward...


As the lectures come to an end, so do the VDTR events.


Past Activities

June 9, 2023: Workshop "Thinking through dolls"

On June 9, a workshop organized by VDTR PhD student Alisha Saikia in cooperation with RaT entitled "Thinking Through Dolls: Religious Studies, Anthropological and Artistic Approaches to Human Simulacra" took place. For one day, experts from different universities and disciplines exchanged ideas about dolls in their respective fields of research. In the course of the day, the permeable boundary between religion and play was repeatedly addressed. It was also the topic of the public evening event, where Joe Moshenska from Oxford University gave a lecture entitled "Iconoclasm as Childs Play: Dolls and Idols in the Reformation" to an interested audience.

May 22, 2023: Third Open Research Day

On May 22, the third VDTR Open Research Day took place. The modified format - plenary part with lectures in the morning, workshops organized by PhD students in the afternoon - was well received. The day took place at the invitation of the ASH Forum Civil Society at the Albert Schweitzer House and concluded with a panel discussion on the topic of "Secular/Religious Vienna" - organized in cooperation with RaT - during which the former RaT speaker Sieglinde Rosenberger was bid farewell.

February 27, 2023: VDTR Masterclass and Public Lectures

On Monday, February 27, two members of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Vienna Doctoral School of Theology and Research on Religion VDTR - John S. Kloppenborg and Jens Schröter - visited the University of Vienna. Together with VDTR supervisors and doctoral students, they animated a master class and discussed research projects of doctoral students in the field of biblical studies. The lively exchange was rounded off by two public lectures. John S. Kloppenborg's talk asked how ancient cities provided a hospitable space for the cult of Christ. Jens Schröter developed the thesis that Paul in the Letter to the Romans develops a general image of man that includes Jews and Gentiles alike.

January 23, 2023: Last event of the VDTR Lecture Series "Religion - Aesthetics - Public Space"

After his exciting lecture "Architecture as an Aesthetic Confession" on December 12, architect and TU lecturer Ernst Pfaffeneder took us on a city tour on January 23, 2023, in which historical developments were complemented by a look at concrete places on the Ringstrasse. The lecture and the city tour took place as the final events of the VDTR lecture series "Religion - Aesthetics - Public Space", which was created in cooperation with Ass.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Jakob Deibl.

December 6, 2022: Second Open Research Day

On December 6, the second VDTR Open Research Day took place! Attendees of the Open Research Day had the unique opportunity to listen to presentations by young researchers from the VDTR that provided insights into their current research topics.

November 20, 2022: Presentation of the VDTR at the American Academy of Religion

On the 20th of November 2022, Noemi Call presented the VDTR on an international stage. The AAR is the largest scholarly society dedicated to the academic study of religion from the perspectives of different disciplines. During the conference days receptions took place in which internationally renowned publishers and research centers were presented, such as the "Vienna University Press" (VUP). Prof. Dr. Christian Danz was responsible for the VUP reception, in which Dr. Jakob Deibl presented the "Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contempo rary Society" (JRAT) and Noemi the VDTR. These important publication organs at the University of Vienna present very good opportunities for young researchers. 

May 23 and 24, 2022: Our first Open Research Days

The first VDTR Open Research Days offered all members of the doctoral program the opportunity to get to know the thematic diversity of the doctoral program and to enter into a dialogue with each other about the diverse research topics in theology and religious studies. The day was organized in the form of a workshop, where doctoral students had the opportunity to present an excerpt from their research and discuss it with other researchers. In addition, there was ample time for informal exchange over coffee and lunch in the sunny courtyard of the university building.

November 11, 2021: VDTR Kick Off Event

On November 11, the official kick-off event of the Vienna Doctoral School of Theology and Research on Religion VDTR took place in the Sky Lounge. The celebration was accompanied by a diverse program.
In his welcoming address, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Jean-Robert Tyran praised the VDTR as a "beacon" among the Vienna Doctoral Schools. In this context, he emphasized the strong value of the Research Centre Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society RaT for interdisciplinary research, which is also part of the VDTR. In his address, VDTR Director Prof. Dr. Markus Tiwald provided insights into the developments to date and the vision of the VDTR. Prof. Jodi Magness emphasized in her Keynote Lecture that the fundamental value of religious freedom must necessarily go hand in hand with the promotion of religious education.
In the panel discussion, both professors and doctoral students gave personal insights into their motivation to conduct research in the field of theology and research on religion. At the buffet, the attendees got into conversation with each other.

German media contributions on the kick-off event can be found at, as well as

November 11, 2021: VDTR Kickoff