Workshops 2024/25
PhD & Skills Sessions
The VDTR PhD & Skills Sessions offer PhD students the opportunity to gain practical insights into skills and strategies that will advance their academic careers. In an increasingly competitive and interdisciplinary academic world, it is important to deal with topics such as publication strategies, mobility opportunities and the communication of research results at an early stage.
21 January 2025: Good scientific practice (and how to apply it)
The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming research in the humanities. In the face of this change, it is all the more important to know and apply the principles of good scientific practice in your doctoral thesis. This workshop introduces the basic principles of good scientific practice and helps participants to understand ethical, methodological and organisational standards in research. In addition, participants will learn what constitutes questionable research practices or even misconduct in research, how the University of Vienna deals with problems related to scientific integrity, and where to turn for help with these issues.
In this session, AI Coordinator Dr Laura Gandelgruber will give an overview of the standards of good scientific practice in the humanities and how to implement them in your research process, addressing artificial intelligence as a particular challenge. In addition, Claudia Stermsek, coordinator of the Ombuds Office for Ensuring Compliance with Good Academic Practice will discuss the institutional perspective and the handling of scientific misconduct at the University of Vienna.
when: 21 January 2025, 1:00PM - 2:30PM
where: tba