The VDTR Supervisors

The supervisors listed here are members of the Vienna Doctoral School of Theology and Research on Religion VDTR. They form a dedicated network of scholars from a wide range of different theological and non-theological disciplines and are committed to providing high-quality doctoral supervision in their respective field of expertise. In this way, they guarantee their doctoral students excellent professional training and support them in forming professional networks.

Name Discipline(s) Research Focus Faculty Languages of Supervision
Appel, Kurt Fundamental Theology, Philosophy of Religion Philosophy and Theology of History, Hegel and German Idealism, Postmodern Philosophy, Eschatology, Question of God FCT* German, Italian, English
Aslan, Ednan Islamic-Theological Studies Islamic religious education, Muslims in Europe, Muslim students in public schools, Research on Violence, Research on Radicalisation Philo./Cu.Stu.*** German, Englisch and Turkish
Cordoni, Constanza Jewish Studies Jewish and Christian biblical reception, Jewish cultural history (late antiquity, Middle Ages), rabbinic literature, Jewish hermeneutics, historical narratology, historical identity research Hist./Cu.Stu.***** German, English, Spanish, French, Italian
Danz, Christian Systematic Theology AB (Augsburg Confession) Fundamental Theology, Dogmatics (doctrine of God, Christology, Pneumatology), Reformation Theology, History of Theology of the 19th and 20th century, Ethics (Human Rights), Theology of Religions, Philosophy of Religion FPT**
Deibl, Jakob Catholic Theology, Aesthetics Religion and Aesthetics, Philosophy of Religion, Poetry, Sacred Architecture FCT German, English, Italian
Engemann, Wilfried Practical Theology and Psychology of Religion Homiletics, Pastoral Care Teaching, Liturgical Studies, Psychology of Religion, Theological Anthropology FPT
Feulner, Hans-Jürgen Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology (ecumenical) Liturgies and Rites in the different Churches of West and East, Sacramental Theology, Rituals in Film, Sacral Hygiene FCT German, English, French (after consultation only)
Filipović, Alexander Social Ethics Basic questions of Christian social ethics, ethics of public communication (media ethics), technology ethics/digital ethics, political ethics/practical social philosophy, philosophical pragmatism, social empiricism and ethics, normative aspects of social theory FCT German, English
Giampieri-Deutsch, Patrizia Philosophy, Psychotherapy Research (Psychoanalysis, Psychodynamic Psychotherapies) Psychology of religion (psychological and psychodynamic aspects of religious experiences in the Abrahamic religions), Religion, Diplomacy, and International Relations, Hermann Cohen research (Cohen's view of a “religion of reason”) Phil./Edu. German, Italian, English
Grohmann, Marianne Old Testament Studies Psalms and Lamentations, Anthropology and Gender-related Issues, Fertility and Birth in the Hebrew Bible, Hermeneutics, Exegesis in Literary Studies, Theory of Metaphor, Reception of Jewish Biblical Exegesis FPT German, English
Heil, Uta Christian History, Archaeology and Art Late Antiquity/Early Middle Ages (History of Theology, History of the Interpretation of Scripture, "Structuring of Time", Historiography) FPT
Hödl, Hans Gerald (emer.) Religious Studies African & African American Religions, Mormonism, Criticism of Religion, Ritual, Religion & Media FPT German, English, French, Spanish (after consultation only)
Kowatsch, Andreas Canon Law and Law on Religion Austrian Constitutional Law on Religion, "Europeanisation" of Religious Law, Ecclesiastical Constitutional Law, Ecclesiastical Personal Status Law FCT
Körtner, Ulrich Systematic theology, protestant fundamental theology, hermeneutics, dogmatics, ethics, medical ethics FPT
Kurt, Tuğrul Islamic-Theological Studies Quran research, Quran sciences, Quran exegesis, Islamic textual sciences (Koran and Hadith), Isrāʾīliyyāt research, environment and intertexts of the Qur'an, Islamic history, beginnings (sources) of Islam, the cultural and religious landscape of the Arabian Peninsula, History and development of Islamic mysticism, Early Christianity and the churches of the East (Syrian Christianity), Religious studies, history of religion, cultural and religious encounters (of world religions) in the past and present IITS German, English, Turkish
Langer, Gerhard Jewish Studies Jewish Cultural History in Antiquity, Rabbinic Literature, Reception-Historical Studies of Biblical Texts, Processing of Jewish Tradition in German-Language Literature, Jewish-Christian "Encounters" (Cultural Transfer, etc.) Hist./Cu.Stu.***** German, English (Knowledge of German is a prerequisite for someone writing in English)
Lehmann, Karsten Religious Studies Religious plurality, religious and civil society networks 'on the ground', interreligious contacts & interreligious dialogue, religiously legitimized violence, religion and (international politics), methods of empirical research on religion FPT Deutsch, Englisch
Lehner-Hartmann, Andrea Religious Education (Catholic) Subject Didactics, Gender, Violence, Religious Education, Subjective Theories FCT German, English (Knowledge of German is a prerequisite for someone writing in English)
Lohlker, Rüdiger Islamic Studies Islamic Thought, Sufism, Modern Islam Philo./Cu.Stu. German, English
Mattes, Astrid Religious Studies Religion and Migration, Politics of Religion, Religions in Austria, Islam in Europe, Qualitative Methods, Youth Religion, Digital Religion FCT German, English
Moga, Ioan Orthodox Theology (Systematic Theology) Dogmatics - Ecclesiology, History of Theology of the 20th Century, Orthodox - Catholic Dialogues FCT German, English or Romanian (Knowledge of German is a prerequisite for someone writing in English or Romanian)
Németh, Thomas Studies on the Eastern Churches History of Eastern Churches in Austria and in Central/Eastern Europe, Churches in Ukraine, Theology and Law of Eastern Catholic Churches, Liturgy and Art of Byzantine Churches FCT German, English or Ukrainian (the willingness to learn German and English is always a prerequisite)
Müller, Sigrid Systematic Theology and Ethics Basis of Theological Ethics, History of Theological Ethics, Ethics in Medicine, Intercultural Ethics, Bioethics, Human Dignity FCT German, English, French, Spanish or Italian (learning English and German in the course of the doctoral studies is compulsory)
Oehler, Markus New Testament Studies History of Religion and Social History, Epistle to the Romans, History of Pre-Constantinian Christianity FPT German, English
Pilhofer, Philipp Christian History, Archaeology and Art History of theological education, Culture of study in the early modern period/university history, Hagiography & martyr cult, Transformation processes in late antiquity, especially Christianisation, Asia Minor in Roman and Byzantine times, digital humanities & digital editions FPT German, English
Pock, Johann Pastoral Theology, Homiletics Pastoral Care of the Sacraments, Ritual Research, Congregation, Diakonia, Preaching FCT German, English, Italian
Pokorny, Lukas Religious Studies Millenarianism, Religions of East Asia, Confucianism, New and Alternative Religious Movements (Esotericism), Religion in Austria FCT German, English
Polak, Regina Practical Theology Religion, Migration and Urbanisation, Christian-Jewish and Christian-Islamic Dialogue, Anti-Semitism and Racism, Socio-Religious Transformation Processes in Europe, Value Research, Basic Theological Questions of a Church in Transition FCT
Prüller-Jagenteufel, Gunter Theological Ethics Intercultural Ethics, Ethics of Liberation, Ecumenism FCT German, English
Ramharter, Esther Philosophy Philosophy of religion (e.g. Ludwig Wittgenstein, Simone Weil, proof of the existence of God), philosophy and the Hebrew Bible, relationship between religion and mathematics/logic/science Phil./Edu.**** German, English
Rothgangel, Martin Religious Education Basic Questions of Science Theory in Religious Education and Theology, Empirical Religious Education, International-Comparative Religious Education, General Subject Didactics FPT German
Schelander, Robert Religious Education Historical Religious Education, School and Religion FPT German, English
Schelkshorn, Johann Philosophy of Religion Philosophy of Religion, Cross-cultural Philosophy (Latin American Philosophy), Practical Philosophy, Theories of Modernity - Philosophy of Religion; Cross-cultural Philosophy (Latin American Philosophy), Practical Philosophy, Theories of Modernity FCT German
Schellenberg, Annette Old Testament Studies Prehistory (Gen 1-11), Priestly (Scriptural) Literature, Wisdom Literature, Song of Songs, Old Testament, Anthropology, Controversies about Theological Questions in the Old Testament and its Environment, Relations between the Old Testament and its ancient Near Eastern Environment FPT German, English
Siquans, Agnethe Old Testament Science Inner Biblical Exegesis, Feminist / Gender-fair Exegesis, History of Reception FCT German, English
Staudigl, Michael Philosophy Phenomenology, Political Philosophy, Social Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion, Violence Research (esp. religious violence) Phil./Edu.
Stowasser, Martin (emer.) New Testament Biblical Studies Historical Jesus, Gospels, Revelation to John, Passion-Narratives, Infancy Narratives, Ethics of the New Testament FCT German, English, Italian
Tiwald, Markus New Testament Studies Parting of the Ways between Judaism and Christianity, contextualising the Theology of Jesus and Paul in early Judaism, Jewish-Christian Dialogue, questioning the Origins of Christianity FCT German, English (Knowledge of German is a prerequisite for someone writing in English)
Treitler, Wolfgang Basic Theological Research Jewish-Christian Discourse, Shoa Literature, Questions on the Messiah, Sexualised Violence FCT German, English (Knowledge of German is a prerequisite for someone writing in English)
Tück, Jan-Heiner Dogmatics and History of Dogma Christology, Biblical Monotheism under Suspicion of Violence, Literature and Religion FCT German, English
Zulehner, Paul M.(emer.) Pastoral Theology, Homiletics Pastoral theology, Research on Religion and Values KTF German, English

* Faculty of Catholic Theology
** Faculty of Protestant Theology
*** Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies
**** Faculty of Philosophy and Education
***** Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies